Barnes Walker has a design team specialising in all aspects of Landscape Architecture and an experienced construction team delivering projects on the ground.
Based in South Manchester we are a Landscape Institute registered practice. Our design consultancy was established in 1986 and several years later we saw the opportunity to broaden our services by also providing construction capabilities.
Our detailed understanding of commercial realities and planning opportunities, our wealth of site-based knowledge and our ability to identify innovative solutions to complex issues at all scales, allows us to confidently see projects through from initial sketch design to the realisation of stunning external spaces.
“The details are not the details, they make the design.”
Our commitment to environmental responsibility
Environmental concerns are important to us and we look to take positive actions where we can. This includes having a carbon offset policy so that we pay for and plant a new block of woodland every year, generating electricity with a bank of voltaic cells on the office roof and also a commitment to driving electric or hybrid cars.
our team
Nic Folland
Director, Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), Dip LA, CMLI
Rachael Wilson
Associate Director Landscape
Architect / Horticulturist
BA (Hons), BLA, CMLI
Mike Buckenham
Director, Landscape Architect
BA (Hons,) BLA, CMLI
Nick walker
Managing Director,
Landscape Architect
BA (Hons,) Dip LA, CMLI, MSGD
Ruth Courtnell
Associate Director, Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), Dip LA, CMLI
Colin Barnes
Managing Director,
Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), Dip LA, CMLI
Helen Hindson
Financial Manager
Interested in joining the team?
Contact us:
jACKIE quinn
Financial Manager
Senior Landscape Architect
BSc (Hons), MLA, CMLI
Chris Lang
Senior Landscape Architect
BSc (Hons), BLA
amy collinson
Senior Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), MLA, CMLI
Tom biddle
Senior Landscape
Architect / Photographer
BA (Hons), BLA
Matthew westbrook
Director, Landscape Architect / Planner
BA. (Hons), MPlan, MALAD, MRTPI
Jacob Helm
Senior Landscape Architect,
Environmental Scientist
BSc (Hons), MLA
Assistant Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), MLA
Hannah Brooks
Project Landscape Architect
BA (Hons), MLA
xinbei yang
Landscape Architect
Associate Director, Landscape Architect
BA (Hons) dipLA. MSGD
Leona Fahy
Office Coordinator
bALI Accredited
Barnes Walker Landscape Ltd. is proud to be a BALI (Bristish Association Landscape Industries) ACCREDITED.
Barnes Walker is accredited - Professional - Contractor (Commercial + Domestic) and Grounds Maintenance.
100 Trees club
Barnes Walker Ltd. is proud to be a member of the 100 Tree Club - 100 Trees club members are committed to a greener Greater Manchester, helping to connect communities through tree planting and woodland management projects across the city region.
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Barnes Walker is fully committed to ensuring that privacy is protected. If we ask you to provide information by which you can be identified, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Barnes Walker may change this policy from time to time by updating the document below. This version is effective from August 2024.
These are the standard terms on which Barnes Walker Limited (Registered in England No. 4198626) accepts instructions and charges for services, subject to any variations set out in our fee proposal or supporting letter of engagement.
The consistency and quality of our work is reflected in the frequency of awards, commendations and nominations we receive.